
What are the benefits of forehead augmentation with silicone?Forehead Augmentation

Forehead Augmentation is a surgical procedure that uses silicone or medical materials to adjust the shape of the forehead to add dimension to the face. The main objective is to make the forehead look rounded, prominent, and in proportion to the rest of the face. This will help the bridge of the nose look more shapely and attractive. Forehead augmentation can be performed through surgery using specially molded silicone according to the patient’s skull structure (3D Customized Silicone Implant) or preformed silicone (Preform Silicone), which has standard sizes and forms.

Types of silicone for forehead augmentation

  1. 3D Customized Silicone
  2. Preform Silicone
  3. Polymethylmethacrylate or Bone Cement

3D Customized Silicone from South Korea

The silicone sheet used for forehead augmentation is specially designed for that person. The silicone is highly safe and has been certified by the FDA. Importantly, it is newly molded silicone that belongs to the service recipient, one-on-one.

3D Customized Silicone Forehead Augmentation pros

  1. You can choose the silicone sheet, whether it is the size or the design. The silicone sheet used will be able to fit the face of the recipient in all forms.
  2. Forehead augmentation with a precise and suitable silicone sheet for the recipient because it molds the silicone sheet from the recipient’s own bone structure.
  3. Forehead augmentation surgery using a specially designed silicone sheet will result in the overall facial composition looking more dimensional.
  4. The results after forehead augmentation look natural.

Forehead Augmentation Review: Before and After

Polymethylmethacrylate or Bone Cement from England

Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) is an accepted medical material because it doesn’t contain any irritating or harmful substances to the body. It is mainly used in dimensional enhancement surgery and bone shape correction. The surgery takes approximately 1-3 hours (depending on each person’s problems).

Forehead Augmentation Review: Before and After

Forehead augmentation procedure with silicone.

Preparation before surgery.

  1. Inform your doctor about your medical history to check your readiness, including the medications you take regularly because some medications affect your recovery after surgery.
  2. Patients who have a history of taking blood thinning medications: and medications that affect blood clotting, painkillers, or other chronic medications should consult a doctor before surgery or inform the doctor before the surgery appointment date.
  3. Stop taking vitamin supplements: such as vitamin E, fish oil, ginkgo, grape seed, ginseng, etc. You must stop taking the medication for at least 14-30 days.
  4. You should wash your hair thoroughly before the surgery day: and don’t wear makeup on the day of surgery. Don’t wear contact lenses on the day of surgery. If you have vision problems, wear glasses instead.
  5. Don’t wear any jewelry of any kind: such as earrings, necklaces, rings, etc. on the body on the day of surgery (if you can’t remove them, please inform the staff).
  6. Stop smoking: at least 4 weeks before and after surgery because the substances in cigarettes reduce the amount of oxygen in the blood and destroy cells that repair and heal wounds. This results in less blood supply to the surgical area, which can cause the surgical skin to lack oxygen, causing the wound to heal slower than normal and increasing the risk of infection.
  7. Avoid drinking alcohol for 1 – 2 days before surgery and continued for at least 1 week after surgery.
  8. Before surgery, the patient should thoroughly clean their fingernails and toenails. They must refrain from applying nail polish, toenail polish, and any new type of extensions.
  9. Prepare yourself mentally: Don’t be overly excited and be aware that after surgery, there will be swelling and bruising around the wound and changes in the face or area of ​​the body where the surgery was performed, which will take time for the wound to heal or for the body to adjust to the new image.


  1. The surgeon reviews the patient’s needs and discusses the planned procedure.
  2. The anesthesiologist conducts a medical history assessment before proceeding with anesthesia.
  3. Duration: The surgery typically lasts 1-3 hours, depending on the surgical plan.
  4. During the procedure, the surgeon makes an incision at the hairline, using either an endoscopic or standard approach based on the materials and the planned technique. Once the procedure is complete, the wound is closed with sutures and/or medical staples.
  5. After surgery, the patient remains in the recovery room for approximately 2 hours for monitoring.

After care

Convalescence period

  • Patients can sleep on high pillows to reduce swelling and apply cold compresses as often as possible in the first 2-4 days.
  • Wear a headband to reduce swelling in the surgical area (in some cases, the doctor may consider wearing a headband).
  • Take antibiotics, painkillers, and other medications provided by the hospital as advised by the doctor.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise and activities that may impact the forehead area for about 2-3 months after surgery.

Care and cleaning of surgical wounds

  • Wash the wound with medical saline and antiseptic ointment twice a day (morning and evening) before removing the stitches and the medical staples, and for another 3 days after removing the stitches or the medical staples.
  • Avoid washing your hair or cleaning your scalp after surgery for the first 6 days. After that, you can wash your hair with medical shampoo or a mild baby shampoo.

Removal of sutures and medical staples

  • In the case of endoscopic forehead augmentation, no hairline shifting or no wound opening on the face frame, you can come in for stitch removal and medical maxi removal in 10 – 14 days, counting from the first day of surgery.
  • In the case of hairline shifting, forehead reduction, or wound opening on the face frame, you can come in for stitch removal and medical maxi removal for 14 days, counting from the first day of surgery.
  • The service recipient should wash their hair before receiving stitch removal and medical maxi removal services because after cutting or removing, avoid washing your hair or getting it wet for 3 days.

Why is getting a forehead augmentation at Masterpiece Hospital the best choice?

  • Safety is ensured by an experienced doctor. Since the forehead area has many nerves, it is necessary to have a doctor with experience in forehead augmentation to analyze the cause and solve the problem at the right point.
  • There are a variety of medical materials available for forehead augmentation.
  • We have a modern 3D CT SCAN machine available in the hospital, so those who want to use a customized silicone sheet (3D Customized Silicone Implant) do not have to go anywhere else to get a 3D facial scan.
  • Endoscopic surgical equipment is used for service recipients without any additional cost.
  • It can be combined with other procedures such as cheekbone reduction, jaw reduction, nose augmentation, eyebrow lift, and facelift while a silicone sheet is inserted to enhance the forehead.
  • General anesthesia administered by an anesthesiologist on a case-by-case basis.

Korean-style forehead augmentation with endoscopic surgery at Masterpiece Hospital.

Korean-style forehead augmentation is popular following celebrity trends. It focuses on adjusting the dimensions of the forehead to be softer and enhancing the personality. Masterpiece Hospital has more than ten years of experience in this field. It uses 3D CT Scan technology to design silicone for each individual and produces it in South Korea, which has expertise in this field.

Who is Korean forehead surgery suitable for?

  • People with a narrow, flat forehead want a sweet, gentle, fresh, natural look.
  • People who want to fix high eyebrows, making the face look hard and fierce.
  • People with a forehead that lacks dimension, look flat after a nose job that has a pointed shape.
  • People with a short or long forehead that does not follow the Golden Ratio principle.

Advantages of forehead surgery using endoscopic surgery.

  • Small wound 2-3 cm. for forehead, temple, and eyebrow lift. The wound is in the hair area on the head. There is no wound on the face.
  • Little swelling and bruising, fast recovery (depending on the skin condition and history of taking supplements of each person)

Advantages of forehead surgery at Masterpiece Hospital.

  • anesthesia administered by an anesthesiologist on a case-by-case basis.
  • Using silicone imported from South Korea, including 3D Customized Silicone Implant (specially made silicone for each individual) and Preform Silicone (prefabricated silicone).

Example of Korean forehead augmentation case with endoscopic surgery.

Nong Sing, the angel of the Gulf of Thailand, had forehead augmentation with endoscopic surgery, 3D Customized Silicone Implant, or special silicone made to order for each individual, produced in South Korea.

Peggy had previously had her forehead augmented in the wrong position. She came to have it corrected and had her forehead augmented with endoscopic surgery using premium Korean silicone.

Typhoon forehead augmentation with endoscopic surgery, premium Korean silicone, and eyelid lift (Foxy Eyes)

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