
Liposuction: Eliminate excess fat and Coolsculpting to contour your body.

What is liposuction?

Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery that reduces fat in specific areas and helps eliminate excess fat from the body. The doctor will use a specialized tool to suck out excess fat that has accumulated under the skin in the thighs, hips, abdomen, upper arms, face, neck, or other parts that you want to remove. This will make your figure look slimmer, and more proportionate and increase your confidence. Liposuction is not the main method to solve the problem of people who are obese. But it is a surgery to help adjust the body shape, making the proportions firmer, more beautiful, and have the desired curves.

Liposuction is a surgical procedure to reduce fat, remove fat cells, reduce cellulite, and prevent fat from accumulating in the area that has been removed. However, it can’t reduce overall weight. It suits people with a proportionate overall body shape but excess fat in specific areas. Diet control and exercise help reduce fat throughout the body, reduce weight, and promote overall health. However, the results may take a long time and may not reduce fat in the desired areas as much. Liposuction surgery is one method that can effectively help you achieve the desired shape, whether it is reducing excess fat that has accumulated in various areas of the body, such as the abdomen, thighs, hips, or arms, without having to undergo major surgery, but can reduce fat in specific areas.

Solve all problems with liposuction! Want to know which areas are the most popular? Let’s find out!

  1. Tightened Hips: Perfect proportions, looking great from every angle.
  2. Flat Stomach: Say goodbye to belly fat and confidently wear any outfit.
  3. Slim Thighs: Happy to rock your shorts every day.
  4. Toned Arms: Forget about bulky arms

Liposuction is one of the most popular body modification methods, with popular areas including:

Tummy tuck

Tummy Tuck is a surgical procedure to remove excess fat in the abdominal area. The doctor will use a liposuction tool under the skin to suck out the fat, resulting in a flatter stomach. It is suitable for people who have a protruding, sagging stomach or have excessive fat accumulation that cannot be reduced by exercise or diet alone.

Double chin liposuction

Double Chin Liposuction is a surgical procedure that focuses on reducing excess fat under the chin and neck, which helps to define the facial frame and make the face look slimmer. Double chin liposuction uses a liposuction tool to separate the fat cells under the skin and suck them out.

Arm liposuction

Arm Liposuction makes it difficult to reduce fat even if you control your diet and exercise. The problem with fat around the thighs is that the legs rub together. When you walk, the skin rubs together, causing it to become darker. Looking at the fat in the legs will help make them slimmer.

Facial liposuction

Facial Liposuction is a surgical procedure that adjusts the shape of the face by removing excess fat in various areas, such as under the chin, cheeks, and jaw. This process helps the face look slimmer and have a clearer frame, resulting in a more balanced and beautiful proportion.

Hip liposuction

Hip liposuction removes excess fat around the hips. It is popular among women who have accumulated a lot of fat. When wearing pants, the flesh bulges out and looks unsightly. If you don’t take care of your figure regularly, your hips can expand. You should exercise in conjunction with liposuction.

Eye bag liposuction

Eye bag liposuction is a surgical procedure to remove excess fat accumulated under the eyes, which causes under-eye bags, leading to a tired appearance and making the face look older. This surgery helps rejuvenate the face, making it look brighter and more youthful while effectively addressing under-eye bag issues.

Liposuction procedure

  1. Marking: Before entering the operating room, the doctor will measure and mark the area where the liposuction will be performed to ensure that the surgery goes according to plan.
  2. Pain Relief: Liposuction may be performed under local or general anesthesia, depending on the extent of the surgery and the patient’s needs.
  3. Liposuction: The doctor will use a liposuction tool to suck out excess fat from the body. There are several methods of liposuction, including:
    – Tumescent liposuction: This is the most popular method. A solution is injected into the area where the fat is to be sucked out.
    – Ultrasound liposuction: Uses sound waves to break up the fat before sucking it out.
    – Laser liposuction: Uses a laser to break up the fat and stimulate collagen production.
  4. Wound Closure: After liposuction, your doctor will close the wound with dissolvable stitches or regular stitches.

Benefits and Risks of Liposuction

Benefits of Liposuction

  • Body shaping: A better figure helps to eliminate fat in specific areas that exercise cannot reduce, such as the abdomen, waist, and thighs, making the body look more proportionate.
  • Increased confidence: A more beautiful body shape affects personality and self-confidence.
  • Correct physical problems: In some cases, such as excessive fat accumulation that presses on internal organs, liposuction may help relieve these symptoms.

Risks and side effects of Liposuction

  • Although liposuction can provide good results, it does come with some potential risks, such as:
  • Complications: Infection, and bleeding may occur
  • Uneven skin: After liposuction, the skin may develop dimples, ripples, or uneven skin
  • Swelling and bruising: This is normal after surgery, but in some cases, the swelling and bruising may be severe and take a long time to heal
  • Numbness: Numbness in the area where the liposuction was performed may occur temporarily or permanently

Preparation before and after liposuction

Preparation before liposuction

Preparation before liposuction is very important because it will help reduce the risk of complications after surgery, allow the body to recover faster, and get the results as expected as possible.

  • Inform the doctor of your chronic diseases, chronic medications, surgical history, history of drug allergies, history of food allergies (if you have a history of treatment from the hospital, you should bring it with you on the consultation day) or inform them before the surgery appointment date.
  • Patients who take blood-thinning medications, medications that affect blood clotting, or other chronic medications should consult a doctor before surgery or inform them before the surgery appointment date.
  • Avoid taking vitamin supplements, such as vitamin E, fish oil, ginkgo, grape seed, and ginseng. You must stop taking the medication for at least one month.
  • Hair should be washed clean before surgery, and makeup should be removed before surgery. Contact lenses should also not be worn on the day of surgery. If you have vision problems, wear glasses instead.
  • Don’t wear any jewelry such as earrings, necklaces, rings, or other jewelry on the body on the day of surgery (if you cannot remove them, please inform the staff).
  • Stop smoking for at least 4 weeks before and after surgery because substances in cigarettes reduce the amount of oxygen in the blood and damage cells that repair the wound. This results in less blood supply to the surgical area, which can cause the surgical skin to lack oxygen.
  • This causes the wound to heal slower than normal and increases the risk of infection.
  • Stop drinking alcoholic beverages 1-2 days before surgery and continue for at least 1 week after surgery.

Self-care after liposuction

Post-operative care after liposuction is an important step because it helps the body recover faster, reduces swelling and bruising, and reduces the risk of complications such as infection or unsightly scarring.

  • There may be swelling and bruising for about 2-4 weeks without affecting daily life.
  • The next day, you can remove the bandage and change to a support garment instead for 24 hours during the first month.
  • Take medication as prescribed by your doctor don’t let it be missing. If you have pain, you can take painkillers.
  • In the first 2-3 days, it’s difficult to move due to the pain after the procedure (the symptoms are similar to muscle pain).
  • You may experience a burning sensation and tightness on your skin after the procedure. The symptoms will improve after 1 month, usually in 4-6 months.
  • In the first 1-3 days, water or blood be seeping out of the wound, which is normal.
  • You will see a change in your proportions immediately after the procedure. In some cases, you may have to wait for the swelling to subside for 2-4 weeks or more.
  • After liposuction, the results will be permanent if you control your diet and exercise regularly.
  • You can shower, but be careful not to let the wound get wet. If the wound gets wet, wipe it dry. (It is recommended to cover the wound with a waterproof plaster)
  • Avoid exercising or doing heavy work that causes impact for at least 2-4 weeks.
  • Wearing a compression garment to support the area where the liposuction was performed is very important. It should be worn continuously for 2-3 months (the longer you wear it, the better the results will be).

Things to consider before deciding to undergo liposuction

Financial and Health Readiness Assessment

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that carries some risks, such as infection, swelling, bruising, and other complications. Therefore, a pre-operative assessment is essential to assess the risks and develop an appropriate treatment plan for each individual.

Health Readiness Assessment

  • General check-up: The doctor will perform a general health check-up to assess the patient’s overall health and check for underlying diseases that may affect the surgery, such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.
  • Blood tests check various values ​​in the blood, such as red blood cell count, and blood clotting values, which are important information in assessing the risk of complications.
  • Urine test to check for abnormal kidney conditions.
  • Other tests The doctor may order additional tests, such as an electrocardiogram or X-ray, to obtain complete information before surgery.

Financial Readiness Assessment

  • Liposuction Prices Liposuction costs vary depending on the amount of fat removed, the area where the liposuction is performed, and the technique used. The doctor will provide the patient with a detailed list of all costs so that they can plan their finances appropriately.
  • Additional Costs In addition to the cost of surgery, there are other costs to consider, such as medicine, dressings, blood tests, travel, and accommodation.
  • Preparing a Reserve Fund You should prepare a reserve fund for additional costs, such as medical expenses in case of complications.

How to Choose the Right Doctor and Hospital for Liposuction

Deciding to undergo liposuction surgery is a big decision that requires careful consideration. One of the most important factors affecting the success and safety of the surgery is choosing the right doctor and hospital. Making the right choice will help you be sure that you will receive the best care.

  • Doctor’s Experience You should choose a specialized doctor with experience in liposuction. He will have the knowledge and experience to assess
  • your physical condition, plan the surgery, and solve any problems that may arise effectively.
  • Technology A modern hospital will have modern tools and technology to help the surgery proceed quickly, safely, and with good results.
  • Standards A hospital that meets the standards will have a strict sterilization system and complete safety measures to reduce the risk of infection and complications.
  • Post-operative care for liposuction Because post-operative care is important in helping the wound heal quickly and reduce swelling, experienced doctors and nurses will provide advice and close care.

Where is the best place to get liposuction? Masterpiece Hospital is ready to provide liposuction services.

Masterpiece Hospital uses J-Plasma technology that’s certified by the US Food and Drug Administration (US FDA). In Thailand, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) can use it on your whole body.

  • The size is reduced. The actual amount of fat is removed.
  • It can directly reduce specific areas.
  • Tiny incisions, doctors can hide the incisions perfectly.
  • With modern equipment, there is less bleeding, so recovery is fast.
  • It is painless during the procedure because there are sleeping pills.
  • It can reduce fat in specific areas that aren’t needed, making the body proportions appropriate, balanced, and beautiful as desired.
  • There are few side effects after surgery.
  • It helps patients move their bodies more conveniently.
  • You can see the smaller proportions immediately after the procedure.
  • The surgical scars are small, so they do not cause scars.
  • The fat that is sucked out can be used to fill in the missing parts.
  • Helping to build your confidence with a perfect body shape

How much does liposuction cost? We have a special promotion for you!

Liposuction is a popular procedure to reshape your body and reduce excess fat. The price of liposuction varies depending on the area being treated and the characteristics of each person’s body.

How much does liposuction cost?

The price of liposuction starts at around 19,999 baht, which may vary depending on several factors, such as:

  • Location of liposuction: For areas with a lot of accumulated fat, such as the abdomen, hips, or arms, there will be different prices.
  • The technique used: The liposuction method used will have different costs.
  • Doctor experience: Doctors with more expertise and experience may have higher service fees.

Liposuction Inquiries

If you’re interested in more information about liposuction, you can contact Masterpiece Hospital. Our team of doctors, Dr. Pete and Dr. Guy are ready to offer consultations and recommend the treatment that best suits you.

The medical team at Masterpiece Hospital is pleased to offer liposuction consultations. Consult a doctor before making your decision.

iposuction Reviews at Masterpiece Hospital.

Before & After

User comments on Liposuction at Masterpiece Hospital

Khun Lukmee, a celebrity model, has had liposuction for 2 months. The results are that more people have said that she looks slimmer and has a better figure. She feels much better than before. She used to have big arms and a big belly. After the liposuction, her arms are smaller. Many people say that she’s already a model with a good figure, so why did she do it? But in reality, she’s hiding her figure. And at 45 years old, her body’s metabolism has decreased. Normally, she does light exercise, yoga, and walking, but it doesn’t burn much fat. So she chose the best solution: liposuction.

User video review on Liposuction

Video review by Kik Rungnapa after receiving body liposuction (Body Liposuction) 1,400 cc. It is seen that the sides of the body and the waist area look smaller, and the curves of the curves are smaller.


อยากมีขาเรียว ขาแซ่บๆ สวยสับๆ ต้องดูดไขมันกับ #หมอพีทmasterpiece ปัญหาขาใหญ่ ขาเบียดเสียดสี ลดทุกวิธีทางก็ยังไม่ลง หมอปัญหาไปได้เพียงเเค่เข้ามาปรึกษากับคุณหมอ ปรึกษาฟรี ‼️ #ขาเรียว #ดูดไขมันขา #ดูดไขมัน #ดูดไขมันมาสเตอร์พีช #หมอพีทmasterpiece #reviewดูดไขมัน #ต้นขาใหญ่ #ต้นขา #โรงพยาบาลมาสเตอร์พีช #fypシ #tiktok #fyp

♬ เสียงต้นฉบับ – Masterpiece Hospital – Masterpiece Hospital

Liposuction at Masterpiece Hospital has won the J Plasma (Black Diamond Award 2024) for three consecutive years.”



A1: Tummy tuck can be painful, but the pain level varies from person to person and depends on several factors

A2: In 2-4 weeks, symptoms will gradually ease until you can go back to light work. However, you should avoid strenuous exercise. 3-6 months, your skin will start to tighten and you will see more obvious results.

A3: -Surgeon: An experienced specialist will be able to assess the patient’s physical condition and select the most appropriate liposuction method safely.

– Hospital: You should choose a hospital that has standards, is clean, safe, and has modern equipment.

– Liposuction technique: Currently, there are many liposuction techniques. Each method has different advantages, disadvantages, and risks.

– Physical condition of the patient: Patients who are in good health will have a lower risk of complications than patients with underlying

A4: Choosing a place for liposuction is very important because it involves safety and results. Therefore, before making a decision, you should consider the following factors:

– The doctor should have expertise in cosmetic surgery, especially liposuction, have long experience in performing the procedure, and have reliable results.

– Professional license: Confirm the doctor has a valid and up-to-date professional license.

– Standards: Choose a hospital that has standards, is clean, safe, and has been certified by relevant agencies.

– Technology: Modern technology used in the surgery must be clean and up to standard.

– Safety: Have a standard sterilization system and strict infection prevention measures.

– Reviews from real users: Read reviews from those who have used the service as information for decision-making.

– At Masterpiece Hospital, we have everything to ensure that we are a liposuction hospital that will take good care of our customers according to hospital standards.


Liposuction is a surgical procedure to adjust the body shape by removing excess fat from the desired area, such as the stomach, thighs, double chin, or upper arms, to make the body look smoother and more beautiful in proportion. It is very popular today because it helps increase confidence in daily life.

However, liposuction is not a method of losing weight, but it is a specific body shape adjustment only. The results after the procedure will be seen, which is a smoother body shape. However, the remaining fat may accumulate again if you do not control your diet and exercise regularly. Therefore, taking care of your health after liposuction is very important.

Before deciding to have liposuction, you should consult a specialist doctor to assess your physical condition and choose the method that is right for each individual. Also, choose to have it done at a hospital with standards for safety and the best results. Liposuction is an option for those who want to improve their body shape to look better. However, you must consider the advantages, disadvantages, and side effects, and take care of your health after the procedure regularly to get worthwhile and sustainable results

Liposuction References and Knowledge Sources

Liposuction Articles provide information about liposuction, types of liposuction, advantages, disadvantages, side effects, and FAQs

Wikipedia Liposuction: